not responsible for typos, typesetting and / or printing errors that could inadvertently communicate the wrong sales price. If this occurs, will adjust this as soon as possible. General terms and conditions for buying medicines apply throughout the web-shop.
By placing an order, customers accept these general conditions to buy medicines.
We assume that before placing an order with customers have discussed their state of health with a doctor and, if required in the country where they live, have received a valid prescription.
The customer is fully responsible for any problems, side effects or other inconveniences that may arise as a result of using products purchased from
The customer guarantees that he or she is at least 18 years old at the time of the purchase.
The customer guarantees that the products are intended for their own personal use.
The customer is fully responsible for importing products purchased from in his home town or in the country he or she has specified as the delivery address.
All advice given is purely informative. They are therefore not intended to replace advice, prescriptions, referrals and the like from a recognized doctor.
A customer who places an order releases from all responsibilities of both medical and other persons arising from the purchase or use of our products. In addition, you must be able to answer the following questions with “no”:
- Are you allergic to certain substances present in our products?
- Do you use medicines containing nitrates?
- Do you have low blood pressure?
- Do you have serious heart or liver problems?
For other questions about products or current orders, please contact [email protected] or contact a chat employee if you are unsure about the conditions.
We are happy to assist you.